Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Little Lucky Charm

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day a little differently this year.  
With me being 37 weeks pregnant we decided to have a wonderful afternoon lunch at 
The Quite Man Pub in Peekskill.  We ate some great food and listened to some authentic Irish songs
We sat for a while on the back patio enjoying some company with friends.  Here are some photos of our little lucky Charm in his cap which he kept on all day (Thanks Mae Mae!!)


 An old Irish soul taking a break at Nellie's Cafe in Peekskill
  Just for a change of scenery we took a trip up to the park to play some soccer and go on the slide

And here is Me and Murphy and my growing baby belly
3 more weeks!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Once there was girl who met a boy....

First there was me...

And there was Chris...
We started to date July 4th 2003

then 5 years after that we got married!!

We decided to add to our family as soon as we got back from our honeymoon...We went out grocery shopping but didn't come back with groceries, instead came back with our "Little" Puppy Murphy

We were so happy with our little family. (minus murphy eating everything!  He even ate the stair case!) but he thankfully grew out of it.  

We bought a house in Peekskill, NY and started to settle when about a month after moving in we found out we were pregnant with a Baby Boy!

April 27th 2010 at 1:41am we met Jack Dylan Lynch.  When he was born he didn't cry right away, at first he was born "wide eyed and asking questions" but soon after that we heard the most amazing sound of our lives...

 We were a family...

These last years have been the absolute best years of my life.  Here are some photos of Jack, Murphy and us through out the past 23 months...

 Now this brings you caught up until today, March 16, 2012
Where I am 37 weeks pregnant with our little girl! 

We're so excited to be adding to our family again and so thrilled that we're having a little girl.  I'm drowning in pink bows and tutu's and loving every minute of it.  
I wanted to start this blog as a family scrap book and be able to have a place to post memories that we can share with our family members all over the world.  I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.