Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Beautiful Day to Blog

Today was one of those days that you wake up and walk out the door loving life. The sun was shining and there was a warm breeze and a beautiful blue sky. I went back to Yoga this morning after a short absence because my gigantic pregnant belly was totally messing up my Warrior two pose.   

Chris actually was the one suggesting maybe it was time to go back when he came home from work and found me trying to figure out how to sell Jack on ebay. 
Can you believe selling humans is completely against their "terms of use" contract?!?! 
So to Yoga I went.

Then I came home to both kids taking unusually long naps 
(I thanked the Yoga gods for that)  
And since it was such a nice day we decided to go to the 
Yorktown Carnival. 
We've been every year since Jack was born but this year he was able to go on some of the rides 
(with Chris or I of course)

Jack holding on for dear life on the (Death defying) Carousel
Here's Ms. Emma worried sick while her brother got tossed around by the plastic stationary horse...doesn't she look so concerned? 
Chris and Jack fishing for a prize (He won a stuffed Nemo).  
and while they "played till they won" I spoke to the man running the game and I found out that you only need a minimum of 4 teeth to work at a Carnival!

Spinning. Tea. Cups = Worst. Ride. Ever. 
Even Jack got dizzy in the first 15 seconds and 
wanted to get off.

So it was back on the train again (this was the 2nd time we rode this because of Jacks train obsession)  

But unfortunately the ride wasn't as up to code as we all hoped and it derailed on the second turn on the track.  Which then prompted a mother to hop the gate and yank her child off this death trap yelling that she wants her tickets back - I guess it was to go on another "death trap", not to sure though.
But just as the day started it ended on a good note and all my children are safe and sound and will probably never ride the train at the Carnival for the rest of their lives.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Emma, My Best Friend

Jack finally agreed (was forced) to take a picture with his sister.  Jack has just recently acknowledged Emmas existence. I'm thinking he figured out that she's not going back to where she came from.  
 I may have taken about 27 photos in a row just in case it never happens again. [Side Note: Miss Emma, lets have our first mother-daughter talk and discuss "Muffin Top" :)] 
 While this once in a lifetime photo opt was happing Jack (completely unprovoked I swear) said very clearly 
"Emma my best friend".  
This started the water works from me, my mom and I think I saw my dad's eye tear up, then it was a mad dash for the video camera. Needless to say the moment vanished and we never caught it on video.  

From Super Boy....To Super Dad

(Maybe one day, with Chris's consent I'll post the Super boy picture...or maybe I'll post it with out telling him :))

This is what Jack and Emma (Me and my mom) Made Chris for father's day. 

And being the stellar mother I am, I used semi-toxic, super Non-washable, completely permanent t-shirt paint for this project.
It has yet to come off Emma's toe nails and it may still be in the crease of Jacks neck. 
I figure it's gotta come off their skin one day....right?!?

 Happy Father's Day to the most 
(sometimes) funniest
Man I know!
We love you!!!
Chris & Jack
Chris and Emma

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Breast Milk and Burp Cloths

Emma Grace is 2 months old!  We had her two month appointment this morning and she's 13.4lbs (95th percentile) and 23 1/2" long.  She's my little Chunkster (only time is her life that being called a Chunkster is acceptable by the way)  She's also proving to be a little bit more of a needier baby then Jack was.  She needs constant movement if she is isn't sleeping and sleeping is something that she doesn't do easily.  
But when she smiles and 3 chins come out of no where it's all worth it! 
 I'm still personally holding my breath on her hair color, everyone thinks it's red and my fingers are crossed. And her eyes are still blue.  I swear if I don't end up with at least one blue eyed kid I'm trading my husband in for another blue eyed man.
  Actually all I really want is enough hair to put bow in -  and until that day comes I'll continue to stockpile bows like it's the end of the girly universe. 
 So....I'm going to get on my soapbox for a minute because well this is my blog and I should start using in that way from time to time. So if 1 of the 4 people who read this blog doesn't want to hear about it then stop reading now because I'm going into full boobie mode. 

We've made it 2 months fully breastfeeding, and even though the breast milk police may come after me I'm going to scream it....BREASTFEEDING IS HARD! 

(phew there I said it)

It's not at all the "natural" experience I was hoping for.  I don't know if I was just delusional and thought that after the bad experience I had with Jack that the boobie gods would bless me with an easier experience. No, it's been road block after road block.  But we're both fighters and we're going to fight for it.  

So a note to the woman that breastfeeds standing on her head while doing the dishes singing kum-bi-ya, this may come as 2nd nature to you but this is real life and to me and my baby this is going to be an uphill battle. But breastfeeding is a decision I know I'll feel good about one day. 

And a note to the woman that finds it to be the most difficult thing they've ever done in their life - you are normal and don't be afraid to talk about how unnatural it is for you - it was the furthest thing from "natural" for me and Emma but that's what's going to make us stronger and we'll get through this...together.