Thursday, July 5, 2012

Adventures in the Bronx

It always amazes me that in the middle of the Bronx lives 
Lions, Giraffes and Monkeys. 
Driving into the park I turned and looked up at the buildings across the street from the zoo and wondered if the people that live on the top floor look over the wall at the Tiger cages and think to themselves 
"boy I sure hope those gates are locked"

And here starts our Animal Adventure
 If you look in the background you can faintly make out a Lion and Lioness laying on the rock in the shade.  They had the right idea because it was HOT out!
 Emma loved the monorail and Jack kept on asking if the train was going to fall off the track.  I guess the memory of the carnival is still fresh in his head.

Like sweaty father, like sweaty son.
We took a welcomed (air conditioned) break in The Congo and watched the Gorillas pose for the stupid humans.  
Anyone that says we didn't come from Apes is crazy - This very large beast totally knew what he was doing sitting right up to the window and giving us a show.  You could look into his eyes and see his thoughts.  It was very humbling to say the least.
I think he and Emma made a connection 
Here is my brave husband with his Buzz light year doll crawling into the prairie dog tunnel.
Jack in his very own turtle shell.  And if Jack was a couple of years older we would have had to explain what the daddy turtle was doing to the mommy turtle.......for now they were just dancing with each other. 
 Jack loved feeding the goats with Chris.  Some times Jack completely amazes me with his courage.  I would have thought he'd run from them but instead I was making sure he didn't get through the fence and crawl into the barn.   

Ahh and the piece d'resistance. 
The chickens were all Jack wanted to see all day.  We kept on telling him about all the exotic animals that he was about to visit and all he wanted to see were....the chickens.

We tried to get a family photo and this was the face Jack decided he was going to make.  
It's like one of those photos that come with the frame, don't you think? 

This is what Jack looked like before we even pulled out of the parking lot......I call this photo "Success".


  1. Love this blog! I check it everyday hoping you had tme to post. Thanks for sharing your memories with us!
    Love you all! Aunt Diane

  2. jack is such a cutie patootie. i can't believe how quickly he's grown into a little boy. the pics of him and chris are ADORABLE.

    i hate the zoo. it smells terrible. i suppose someday when kyle and i have kids, he's going to have to take them to the zoo all by himself. or with our nanny. or with one of his mistresses. i don't really care as long as i don't have to go.
